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Benefits of Adding a House Handrail | How and Where to Install

House handrail

Did you know that about two-thirds of all accidents related to mobility issues involve falls? And that falls are the fifth-leading cause of death among those who experience difficulty with mobility? Those numbers are pretty eyebrow-raising, so it makes all the sense in the world that we should make it hard to traverse areas easier for those with mobility issues. One of the simplest ways to do that is with a house handrail.

Most of us take using stairs for granted. People with mobility issues don’t, and they shouldn’t. It can sometimes be a difficult adjustment to understand that you now need help on stairs. Often it is the simplest places that can cause harm as well—the three steps in the garage up to the door, or the four steps on your front stoop up to the door. Most people are conditioned over a lifetime that they have no problems getting up these steps, but when you lose your mobility, things that were simple before, aren’t anymore. 

The simple addition of a house handrail can make life a lot easier and even prevent serious injuries. 

Place Handrails in Key Areas

For those with poor balance, prone to falls, low mobility, or who simply need help getting up out of chairs, beds, or bathroom areas, well-placed handrails can make a world of difference. Grab rails in the bathroom especially will decrease the risk of falls, and help users lift themselves up from seated positions. They increase independence and create peace-of-mind.

If you don’t have any mobility issues, chances are you pay very little attention to handrails when you’re walking down a flight of stairs. You probably haven’t noticed continuous sections—connected handrail sections that serve as essential support, especially for people with mobility issues. As far as safety is concerned, the importance of a continuous handrail can’t be overstated. Continuous handrails allow individuals with mobility issues to ascend and descend stairs or ramps without having to worry about breaks in the handrail and reduce the risk of falls.

Again, handrails can significantly enhance the safety of small, two- and three-step areas like front walks and garages, places that most of us take safety for granted, but can be dangerous areas for those with limited mobility.

Grab Bars and Rails Aren’t Just for the Bathroom

Grab bars aren’t just helpful in the bathroom; they’re also useful near exterior doors, inside and out. For people who are unsteady on their feet, the simple act of opening a door can be delicate. A grab bar gives them something to hang onto near the house and garage entrances and steps. 

Importance of Handrails for Safety

As we’ve said a couple of times already, handrails are easy to take for granted. We don’t really notice them until we need them, but they go a long way in preventing falls, especially for those with mobility issues. They’re essential on stairways, decks, and ledges and, for those with mobility issues, anywhere else that falls might occur. Some of the safety benefits of handrails include:

  • To Help People Balance on Steps and PlatformsWhen a person loses balance on the stairs or suffers from muscle weakness, they may cling to the railing. Railings provide stability, which is especially crucial for those with mobility issues. People often like to lightly graze hand railings with their hands just in case they need extra support or balance.  
  • To Prevent Nasty Falls: Hand railings on decks and ledges provide a needed barrier between the deck’s surface and the high vertical drop. 
  • To Provide Comfort and Peace of Mind: For those with mobility issues, a railing can make them feel more comfortable and confident. Just knowing a hand railing is there if needed helps people move more safely from A to B.
  • To Increase Safety During Inclement WeatherDuring inclement weather, including rain, snow, ice, and sleet, both steps outdoors and indoors, as well as sidewalks and other walkways can become slippery and dangerous. Hand railings provide support, and many people will clutch on to them to ensure that they don’t slip. 

Handrailings are Too Important to DIY

APA Medical Installation

At APA Medical, we feel that to best ensure the security and safety of your loved ones; you should not attempt to DIY a hand railing. With one simple mistake, you could threaten the life of anyone who leans upon that rail.  We can provide pricing for these services over the phone; no on-site inspection is required. And you might be surprised by the cost—it’s very reasonable, usually less than you might expect, and an excellent purchase for anyone with mobility issues!