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How To Get a Mobility Scooter into a Car

It’s that time of year where some days it just seems silly to stay inside all day long. As streets, sidewalks, and walking paths are cleared of any seasonal detritus, it’s the perfect time of year to be outdoors! For those with mobility issues, power scooters can be game-changers, as they allow for freedom of movement and allow users to enjoy the outdoors in ways they couldn’t without them.

Transporting a Mobility Scooter

APA Medical offers a wide variety of mobility scooters, with nine different options to choose from depending on your personal needs. A question that comes up from time to time from those who use mobility scooters, or have a loved one that uses one, is, “How to get a mobility scooter into a car?”

There’s no simple answer to how to get a mobility scooter into a car with so many different types of power scooters and different vehicle sizes. How often you think you might need to transport a mobility scooter is certainly a consideration to think about when purchasing one.

Types of Mobility Scooters

Lightweight Scooters

APA sells the Scooter- Pride iRide, an ultra-lightweight scooter that is super portable and perfect for traveling. APA offers the lowest price you can find on their mobility scooters and will beat any internet pricing if you call them at 612-279-8692. The lightweight iRide can easily be lifted into the cargo area of any SUV or minivan.

iride mobility scooter at APA Medical

The question of how to get a mobility scooter into a car is easily answered with several options that APA offers that are quickly disassembled for easy transport. The Buzzaround EX disassembles in seconds with just four easy steps making transporting it from one destination to another a breeze!

Buzzaround EX Mobility Scooter

The Buzzaround LT scooter is the smallest, lightest, and most portable Buzzaround scooter. It disassembles quickly and easily for transport, letting you enjoy your mobility scooter wherever you might be going.

mobility scooter buzzaround LT

The APA scooter that offers the best answer to “how to get a mobility scooter into a car?” is the Go-Go® Folding Scooter. With a unique folding design, this scooter folds in just three simple steps and fits easily in a closet, corner, or vehicle trunk!

Go Go Folding Scooter

Heavy Mobility Scooters

APA offers several larger mobility scooters that require an SUV or van with a lift. APA can install vehicle lifts after determining that your car is suitable for one. Vehicle lifts would work for any scooters, eliminating the need for reassembling upon arrival at your destination.

If you or a loved one uses a power scooter and are faced with the question of how to get a mobility scooter into a car, there are many options from which to choose. APA can offer advice on what mobility scooter might be best for you after asking questions about your physical abilities and limitations, and depending on your living environment and requirements.